We've heard it time and time again,
"I tried to do it myself, but I just couldn't get them to look right! Photographing jewelry is not as easy as I thought!"
Your art is your jewelry. Our's is photographing it.
You can spend your money on photography gear, camera's, lenses, and lighting, then spend your time learning how to set up the lighting, how to shoot the jewelry, and how to edit it, then spend even more time editing the photos on top of everything else.
Or you can let over a decade of experience and expertise accomplish exactly what you would like in a fraction of the time, so you can focus on your art.
Because after all, your time is valuable

We use professional studio lighting, cameras, lenses, jewelry specific set ups and gear, as well as the latest photo editing software to shoot and edit each piece to perfection.
Your jewelry deserves to be seen in it's best light, so your business can grow and be successful. We can help you achieve that goal.
Since time is money, you can save both with our fast photo turn around. You won't have to wait days for the photos that will help you to sell your designs online. Fast turn around means more sales for you.

You have a vision for your designs. We can make that vision come to life with custom editing to perfectly fit your needs. White or black, wood or gradient, solid or patterned backgrounds. With or without reflections, floating, stacked, or fun flat lays, anything that you can envision we can make happen. Your jewelry can defy physics and look amazing.
It's a little known industry secret that jewelry photography involves as much photoshopping as fashion models. Believe it or not, the jewelry images you see in magazines and ads are heavily photoshopped. When shooting with a professional macro lens, specs of dust and flaws not visible to the naked eye are as visible as if viewing through a microscope. It takes experienced editing to remove those artifacts without making the jewelry look fake. And if you've ever tried to photograph silver jewelry, you are probably aware of the special challenge reflections can cause as well. Desert Sage Jewelry Photography takes care of all of that for you.